Thaks to streamig service Netflix, Jerry will be helmig Lagh It Up Fzzball, his ewest program featrig a host of poplar comedias doig sketches, actig i silly otfits, ad geerally jst mggig til cacellatio. Noe of those kid of shows have ever worked sice Lagh-I.
The Sei-Ma, however, sees it differetly, ad is pllig ot his secret weapo : cacelled comedias.
Jerry believes i secod chaces, especially with people who deserve them that got cacelled for liberal osese like blatat racism or sexal perversio.
Bill Cosby is also set to appear, bt o oe is as excited for the opportity tha his old fried Micheal Kramer Richards.
Oh defiitely, defiitely, ma, I cat wait, Richards told or ivestigative reporter Art Tbolls.